My little entrepreneur is learning to speak... I just can't understand what language she is speaking :-| (smh)
Got to read Sophia Amoruso's book "GIRLBOSS" and I LOVEEED it! To be completely honest, I was never a 'Nasty Gal' customer. Vintage was never my quote on quote 'look.' (I prefer the whole everything I wear looks like a stripper look haha) But, I did hear/ read a lot of publicity about the foul mouth, bad ass who turned a $50 investment into a $300 million dollar company without any debt. WTF?! Now, you have my attention.
I've realized the "corporate world" and the so-called path to success is not what is used to be. It's no longer about getting your degree and getting a good job that will keep you safe and sound. Hell, these corporations can't even keep their own ass safe and sound lately, so how are they supposed to help you?! I've worked for big corporations, mom and pop shops, commission only jobs, tips only jobs and what I've discovered are the jobs that fill your hope for success bubble up the most, are usually just full of hot air and it's only a matter of time before it deflates. But, why allow someone or something else to determine how to fill up your success bubble? What I love about Sophia Amoruso's book is she's not offering a "how-to-guide." This is life, there is no how-to-guide to anything in life so, why should your success be any different? She delves into how she found something she really loved and decided to... why not open up an eBay store. Not thinking that in 7 years it would lead to a $300 million dollar business.

Everyone always says 'follow your passion and the money will come.' And, every time I hear that, as true as I believe it is, I honestly want to punch them in the face. "I know asshole but, not every one was born knowing what they're passionate about." At least, I know I wasn't. I am fascinated and really admire people who have the drive, ambition and motivation to turn something out of nothing. I really wish I knew more people like that in my life because I would love to have a drink with these bastards! But, my biggest dilemma has always been narrowing down what type of business I want to start or delve into. So, in the meanwhile I have been focusing on doing what needs to get done to save some dollas and cents so, that when my brilliant idea does comes to fruition ( I know it's itching to come out just wait... just wait...) I'll have the funds ready to turn something out of nothing too.
In the meanwhile, if you're still awake after this ramble go and get that book. If anything it will at least get you thinking about what's possible. Especially if you feel like you're really not society's cup of tea but, more like their shot of tequila anyway.
With love,
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