Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Little Things That Matter...

Wow! It has been awhile since I actually put pen to paper, or in this case fingertip to keyboard but... I'm Baaack!

I took an unintentional writing hiatus due to a serious case of writers block. The last few months have been a roller coaster ride! I moved back to Brooklyn, while starting a brand new career and a brand new part time job so, things have been a little bit HECTIC.  Now I'm beginning to get situated with a routine and better sense of my priorities. Now, I can make time for writing sessions again.

Real Estate and apartment rentals have become my new forte, and I love it! Instead of sitting behind a desk all day I get to run around all over the city.  Well, this morning my new career brought me into the cutest little cafe in Park Slope (they have red velvet twinkies! OMG!) And, it made me think... it has been awhile since I could remember the last time that I got to sit down and actually enjoy a cup of  coffee without having to rush or not while multitasking 2 or 3 other errands at the same time.  When was the last time you stopped to smell the roses?

I spent $5 on a large ice coffee and a croissant and I'm happier than a pig in shit! =)  I guess it really is the little things that could make your day... if we only took the time to acknowledge and indulge in them more often. 

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