Friday, November 12, 2010

Grad School?!?!

To go to grad school or not to go to grad school...

Hmmm… You know… when I look back on it, everything I’ve done so far I did them because they just HAD to be done.  Like getting a Bachelor’s degree. For me, it was just something that I HAD to do.  Just like brushing your teeth in the morning… if I didn’t want gingivitis and bad breath then I have to brush my teeth everyday.  The same with college if I didn’t want to become an unemployed loser then, I had to go to college.  

From the time we are little young in’s we are taught, ”you have to go to school, you have to get good grades, and you have to pass your test… “If you want to get into high school you need to pass this exam, and once you start high school you already have your parents and teachers drilling you with college prep, and SAT’s.  “You need to pass your SAT’s if you want to get into a good college.” Then once you get into college it turns out all that high school college “prep” talk was bullshit, and before you know it you went from being an A student in high school to a college freshman with a 2.8 GPA suffering from freshman 15.  Hmm… did I miss the seminar where they mention you might turn into a dumb fatty the first year? Or was that a chapter I accidentally on purpose “forgot” to read? 

 Luckily, your sophomore and junior years are a little easier and the 15lbs. have rolled off and this college thing doesn’t seem too bad after all.  Then when you get into your senior year, you are so ready to get the hell out of that intellectual shit hole and “conquer the world” with your newfound geniuses. You find yourself so eager to land that amazing career opportunity doing exactly what it is you spent four, sometimes five years preparing for.  Only to see yourself 6 months later cringing at your desk and wanting to cry every time you are given a new tedious task.  

I graduated from school with a major in Communications and a double minor in business and journalism.    And, just like I was supposed to do… I landed a great job in my field.  Even though I really liked the concept of what I was doing I was never really interested in the topic, which was entertainment. It was my first year out of college and I felt like that dumb fatty freshman all over again. (I’m beginning to think that this is perhaps a cycle.) A fish out of water that went from writing stories about a high school volleyball team to interviewing celebrities on the red carpet. 

I haven’t worked in my field for almost 2 years now.  And after trying on different hats in different fields like public relations for tech companies, hospitality, fashion to real estate.  I’m starting to feel the college girl, I thought I lost, poke me and is telling me to consider grad school.  I didn’t realize it until now and especially after working in real estate, I am becoming more and more interested in business and how markets work…how money works. But this time it’s not because it’s something I have to do but because I think it is something I want to do.  

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