Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Ahhh... It feels good to be back in the TV field! As you all know New York City was hit with the worst storm in its history.  With the East River meeting the Hudson River during Sandy, New York City was left feeling a bit err.. under the weather.  And, during this storm not only did my boyfriend and I adopt/kind of rescue a puppy I also got called into Manhattan for a job interview with my old home NBC.  When it rains it pours... LITERALLY! But, the turmoil in NYC didn't stop me from taking advantage of this long waited opportunity so, I attempted to make myself as presentable as possible (even though the lack of power left my curling iron feeling a bit chilly), put my rain boots on, threw high heels into my bag and began my journey.  Luckily I gave my self a three hour travel time and made it to my interview on schedule.

All I knew about this position was I would be a freelance production associate and since I have been out of the industry for some time I was eager to take advantage of a new opportunity for such a huge network.  Once I met with my supervisor I learned that I would be helping with the promotional production for a new cable channel called Cozi TV. Pretty much it's a combination of NBC's LXTV (Lifestyle Channel) and imagine 'Nick at Night' programming all mixed into a channel of it's own.  As of December 20th the channel has been live but, the official launch will be on January 5th! Getting to edit, create and produce content is something I really missed and really love doing.  So excited to see what's next in the re-launch of my production career.

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