Friday, August 28, 2009

Carrie Bradshaw would not be a fan...

I have moved to a semi-new neighbor hood in the past year... Huntington, Long Island! Okay so maybe for my city friends it doesn't sound as exciting as my hometown in Brooklyn but, for the most part I am getting used to the abundance of trees and the fresh air doesn't hurt either.

What's great about this area is that everything is SUPER close so I can run all of my errands in about an hour. Anyway, this morning I had the chance to catch a 10:30 body conditioning class and lately after my workout I've been going to Starbucks for a non-fat grande latte (they say the enzymes in the coffee are suppose to be good for your muscles) who knows if its true, either way I still like my morning coffee.

Well... on my way to Starbucks I noticed a store that I had never noticed before! "BIRKENSTOCK DEPOT" (pause)

WTF?!? Wow, now I KNOW I am in the suburbs!I know I am going to get bombarded by people who love their Birkenstocks, but really? I don't get it. To me anything that has a less than a 3-inch heel is just ugly! I mean I hated UGGS until my feet just got way too cold and I realized UGGS serve more of a purpose but, what kind of fashion sense do you need to put together a cute outfit with Birkenstocks?

Either way I thought this was funny because you would never find a Birkenstock Depot in Manhattan, I mean with all of the city slickers trying to be the next Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte with their Jimmy Choos and Manolo Blahniks what kind of business could a Birkenstock depot really do there anyway?

1 comment:

  1. Cool piece, Jessica! I think after a while some folks - even fashionistas- just want to be comfortable. Before the summer, I purchased a pair of Fit Flops (that work out your legs as you walk). They're so comfortable, but totally not very attractive.
