Sunday, October 4, 2009

GOOD therapy

Not too long ago, a group of girlfriends and I decided to do a girls night, where the dress code was sweatpants or leggings and the beverage of choice was champagne. After sitting around and talking about non sense, all of a sudden the conversation shifted from which Kardashian chick was pregnant to where am I going to be in 5 years?! (A little bit of a drastic shift lol) Thoughts like "I didn't go to school for 5 years to be a bartender," "I feel like I always had a plan but, now I feel like I have no idea where to start," or how about "I have a job with a great company, doing what I went to school to do but, I don't feel satisfied." It was like all of the thoughts that have been streaming through my mind the past 10 months turned into audible messages in someone else's voice. That's when my good friend Natasha, told us about the "Quarterlife Crisis."

It's such an interesting article and I wanted to share it with all of you. The gist of it is that todays twenty-something-year-old's have way too many options and much more time on their hands than previous generations. With the average age of newly weds increasing, more people are waiting before they commit to marriage and children, therefore putting careers and themselves ahead of family planning.

I could totally relate to this article! And I'm sure many of you can too! Having children is something, if not the only thing, I am SURE about having at some point in my life. But, it is still something that gives me anxiety when I think about having children NOW! There are still so many things I want to do and places I want to go, and at some point I want to be able to stay at home and raise my children, but without having to depend solely on my spouse. So, how do you create that balance? As the article reads...

Women are roundly considered to be in biologically ideal form for baby-making in their twenties and early thirties, which are also prime fun-having and career-building years. For women who want all of the things promised by (theoretically) equal education, work and sex lives, the conflict of desires can be catastrophic.

Eventhough, I am still trying to figure out the perfect balancing act I can't tell you what GOOD therapy it was to sit around with your closest friends and talk about all the thoughts circling your mind.

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