Friday, January 8, 2010

Oh New Years How I Heart Thee

2010 is here! The holiday craze is over, the Christmas trees have come down, the menorah's blown out and everyone's new year hangover has surpassed. So... now what? Oh, thats right RESOLUTIONS hmm... now does that mean I actually have to work on those resolutions? Well here it goes...

This new years for me didn't start off on the best note personally or mentally but instead of boring you with those details i'm just going to say hey, it could've been much, much worst.  And, that doesn't mean the rest of my 2010 has to reflect its negative beginning.  So here is a corny little poem to my 2010...please be good to me :)

Oh Mr. 2010
I hope you become my best friend
we started off this year kinda rough
but now im hoping we could make it up.
Because after all is said and through
I'll only have a shitty year without you.

The recession of '09
has left us in a bind hoping your prescence will eliminate this glitch
because this year I really need to get rich!

And as for relationships, my most prized possessions
please allow this year to bring even more associations
And if my friend we make this true, I promise to give a kiss or two!


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